Monday, November 28, 2011

Sick again

Poor thing.  This sweet daughter who suffers again and again.  Retching, nauseous, bowl hovering over her lap.  Sick Saturday morning and again this morning.

I grow frustrated, impatient with the medical system - we cannot get an appointment with the pediatrician until December 12th.

She is crying - wants relief.  We can only sit quietly beside her, murmur soft words of reassurance and do what we can to make her comfortable.

She has developed more anxiety, now tense with fear of going to school, fear of being sick in front of classmates.  Tenderhearted she is, and sensitive.

Over a month now of this cyclic vomiting.

We too, now, must fight fear.  We try not to let our minds borrow disaster, think catastrophic thoughts. Most likely, it is childhood migraines and these, while physically and emotionally exhausting are treatable.

So we breathe deeply, petition for grace, grace for the day, grace for each moment.

My Mom would often quote this verse to me " your day, so shall your strength be."  Deut. 33:25  So, this is what I cling to, for today, for myself, for my daughter, for all of those that I love.

"As your day, so shall your strength be."

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