Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Severe Mercy

Some things that happen in life are severe mercies.

You pray and you pray and you pray for a person and then something awful happens. You are stunned, drop kicked in the gut. You reel in horror.

In retrospect though, you can see that the situation, if left to its natural conclusion or allowed to go on and on would have brought even graver consequences.

So today, I am thankful for the severe mercy God allowed in the life of one I love so very, very much.

It could have been so, so much worse.

Your mercies, O Lord, are new every day; even if it takes us a while to recognize them.

1 comment:

  1. A Severe Mercy...I like this perspective. An oxymoron in an upside-down Kingdom.
    At a certain funeral a year ago, the pastor said, "Trust always involves an unanswered question."
    Maybe, if I could truly grasp that mercy can be severe and severity can be merciful, I'll have enough trust to leave the question unanswered...
