Monday, June 28, 2010

Gratitude Week...or finding 5 things to be thankful for...

As a part of my happiness project each day for the next week I will post things 5 things I am grateful or thankful for that happened that day...

So - today's list -

1)I am grateful that even though I felt really unwell and yucky today, I still did 5 miles, my yoga, three loads of laundry and made dinner!

2) I am thankful that my husband bought the gift cards for the teachers as I was unable to get out of the house...thanks, my love!

3) My daughter got over her extreme (and we're talking crying, hysteria and weeping, wailing and moaning) nerves and was able to perform part of her tap dance in her class. Way to go sweet girl!

4) I am thankful for flushing toilets on each floor of the house..."nuff said."

5) I am so grateful for a wonderful, and long overdue conversation with a very dear friend!

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