Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Family that Blogs together...

It seems so exciting to me.

Our family is blogging...

My nieces, my brother, and now me!!!!

My niece inspired me...she quoted Henri Nouwen in her blog, something about the value of each of us writing our own stories....

I've always loved to write; I've tinkered with it, toyed with it, and privately dreamed about the possibilities, the potential... Often, though, I stopped it up. Corked it.

I think I've secretly been afraid of what will come out. Sometimes, my thoughts and feelings are intense, overwhelming, not always pretty.

Surprisingly, however, this newfound blogging has made me feel free...

The wine of the words intoxicates.

The blood-letting of pent up feelings cleanses.

The crafting of a phrase delights.

It's out, not clanging around in my mind, not poisoning my outlook, the words written give expression, validation, confirmation.

What I am feeling, thinking, living and experiencing, these things are real, potent; this is me, this is my life. And it matters. The shadows of my thoughts don't drown me now in darkness, I can throw them out into the universe, release from their prison of quiet.

Oh, I can talk a lot and I my gentle, understanding husband, to my dearest friends, to my trusted family members. But, there is, somehow, something almost indefinable about writing it down.

So, I was happy when I got a note from my brother telling me to check out his blog and I had to laugh, because today, being Mother's Day, he had written about our Mom. Weirdly enough, or maybe not so weirdly, I was thinking about writing something about Mom too...Family connections, wonderful.

I will then, say something about Mom.

I miss her so very, very much. She was the one who cared for us when we were sick. Her hands were always cool. I remember, her gently washing my face with a warm washcloth to make us feel better. She would come in and change our sheets saying we would feel better in a fresh bed.

She would read to us, sing to us, tell us stories, lie beside us before we went to sleep. She would pray with us. I loved it and I have tried to do the same with my children over the years.

She was always busy. She loved to cook and was a fine cook...we loved her biscuits. She taught us how to make African Chop although we all make it differently now. She was generously hospitable and had the gift of making everyone feel welcome.

Sometimes, though, she would stop everything and just read. Oh, she loved to read. Housework could wait when she was reading and she could loose herself in a good book very easily. All four of her children, all of us, love to read. Love it. She gave us that gift.

She taught us about Jesus, gentle Jesus, suffering Jesus, loving Jesus. Thank you Mom for that too.

I miss you Mom. Always.

So family, let's blog on...

And thank you dear niece for the inspiration.


  1. Writing really is an incredible outlet, and it is a sure way of staying connected with eachother!

    Welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. Blogging is freeing, isn't it? Glad you are openly sharing.

    PS. I miss her too.
