The interminable wait. The longing. The hopes. The following of one day after another after another. What do I do when my life is like a waiting room, when time presses in upon me and implodes.
What do I do? Do I grab a chair, sit down beside a fellow journeyer and strike up a conversation? Do I read book after book, looking for some way to make sense of the waiting? What is the reason to keep on sitting here in this waiting room of life? What questions do I need answers for?
Why the delay? Why are some getting answers so quickly, while I wait so long, so very long?
Maybe, just maybe, I don't wait anymore? I get up, look around and decide, maybe there is something else to do...while I am waiting. I don't want to miss my appointment, I've waited this long, to give up completely, well then all this waiting is wasted. The thought of that makes me cringe.
But maybe, I can begin to wait, to actively wait. To stop sitting on the sidelines and really join in. What if I just jump in, feet first, and live, really live, explore my options, open my heart wide to all the joys, here, today. Open my heart as well, to the sorrow, but maybe, put the sorrow and the questions and the frustrations, put them on the sidelines. Visit them when I need to, when tender loving care is the vital prescription for that particular day or moment.
In the meantime I think I will take a deep breath, stop holding my breath - and dance this rhythm of life - my life today, each day, new, bright and fresh with possibilities.
-This is the day which the Lord has made; we will be full of joy and delight in it.- Psalm 118:24 BBE
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